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Join us for our Habitat for Humanity build!

To sign up, please complete the form on this page. This includes signing the Volunteer Release Form, which refers to the Safety Handbook.
Click Here To View The Safety Handbook

After signing up, please pay careful attention to the information you will receive in the form of reminder emails leading up to the day of your build. 

Please note: the minimum age allowed on the build site is 16. 16 & 17 year old volunteers must be accompanied by a chaperone and have a release form signed by a parent or legal guardian.

COVID-19 Message:

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Nashville has been actively monitoring CDC guidelines and the evolving parameters recommended by the State of Tennessee. We want to assure you we are dedicated to protecting the safety and well-being of our volunteers, staff members, and partners. As such, the following safety measures have been implemented on the build site.

  • All volunteers will be given new PPE- hardhat, safety glasses, gloves and a face covering. Face coverings are required while on the build site. Volunteers may bring their own face coverings, gloves and safety glasses. Personal sunglasses and/or regular glasses will substitute for safety glasses. No PPE will be shared.
  • Habitat volunteers will follow recommended CDC guidelines for social distancing.
  • Any volunteer or staff member who does not feel well or who is running a temperature, showing signs of acute respiratory illness or difficulty breathing should not come to the build site.





Unity Build